The Sketch Book of El Pollo Diablo

I have three new sketches and one new marker picture for you! (or maybe I'm talking to myself?) 

Something about December makes everyone feel tired. Probably why they are always going on about the "Sleeping in heavenly peace". That's why this picture feels a lot more winter-ish to me then the other new one i did of the girl with the winter hat on.

I really had fun drawing this one, I've never drawn anyone sleeping before- oh snap! There is Robert Hipinhopolopolis in the last post! At any rate I've never done a close up of someone sleeping. I'm really proud of my last few sketches, I think I did a good job, though the more i draw the more I realize how inclined I am to draw round faces, perhaps because i have a roundish face myself? This girls face is REALLY round.

Please check my other new drawings under the gallery tab. You can really see how my drawings evolved since there for the most part in chronological order.
If ANYONE reads this please comment, I would like ANY feed back!